Sunday, December 18, 2011

Some Natural Cure For Migraines

There are many millions of migraine sufferers world wide so it is no surprise that many are seeking a natural cure for migraine relief. Prescription medication and over the counter medication are available but with all the side effects why bother.You may know what triggers your migraine but there are other people who do not. Finding relief during a migraine is all the sufferer thinks of at that time. Simple things like light, noise and smells can aggravate the situation, so why not try a natural cure for a migraine and see how it helps you. To find out about these cures please read the following article.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Few Simple Remedies for A Headache

Now and again we all experience a headache, and its at those times that we feel as if we can't function. Instead of reaching for the over the counter pain reliever, try some of these remedies.

  • Use peppermint tea or oil as it is known to be one of the best remedies for a headache. Apply the peppermint oil with a q-tip to the area where you experience the pain. You should find some relief after your experience a tingling sensation.
  • Another good remedy for a headache is Vicks Vapor Rub. Apply to the affected area for some relief.
  • If you have apple cider vinegar in your pantry, consume two cap fulls or apply to the affected area. You can also inhale the scent to provide some relief.
  • A simple trick would be to drink some water. Some times people are dehydrated and one symptom is a headache. Drinking water would not provide immediate relief.
  • Drink a caffeinated  beverage. Caffeine will constrict the blood vessels and thus lessen the headache.
  • Some people chew on ice, since this is easily available it seems to be a popular choice and it provides immediate relief.
  • If you have a lime in the pantry. Cut it up and apply it to your forehead for some relief. If you have a sinus headache, boil the lime juice and inhale the steam. Be careful so as not to burn yourself.
  • Try applying pressure at your temples. Many have chosen this remedy at work as it is simple, convenient not to mention quick and easy.
So the next time you experience a headache try one of these remedies and get some much needed relief.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Home remedies for Acne

Some of us are lucky in that we do not suffer from acne, while those of us that do know the heart ache that goes with it. Acne is a skin disorder in which the sebaceous glands in our skin become blocked which results in nodules and cysts and we term that acne. Acne can occur in our teen years and some even experience it in our adult years. Nonetheless, we all want to get rid of it with little or no scarring at all. Medication can work on some and laser treatments is now popular but what if you could avoid these two methods as well as their side effects. Here are some home remedies for acne. Hope they help.

  • Mix equal portions of lime juice and rose water and apply every night with a cotton ball after thoroughly cleaning your face with a gentle cleanser. Keep the solution on for half an hour, after which re-wash and pat dry your face.
  • Make a paste of ripe tomatoes and apply to acne. Leave it on for about an hour and then cleanse your face.
  • Make a paste with orange peel, honey and cinnamon. Apply at night and leave it on overnight. Rinse and cleanse your face the next morning.
  • Also applying lemon juice to pimples has shown to reduce the occurrence of them.
  • Cucumber has shown to prevent acne too. Grate a cucumber apply to face for 15-20 minutes. It will also give your skin a nice boost and glow.
  • Take a teaspoon of coriander juice and mix it with a pinch of tumeric. Apply to face nightly after cleansing it. If you do not have coriander juice use mint juice instead.
Try some of these home remedies for acne and hopefully you can have a clear skin without spending a lot of money.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Natural Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Did you know that toenail fungus affects millions of people? Naturally many of us ignore this embarrassing infection, which if left untreated will spread to other toenails and could result in the loss of a toenail.There are of course natural remedies to treat a toenail fungus which is not only cheap, but has no side effects.Here are some remedies for toenail fungus.

Acetic acid which is commonly known as vinegar, will attack the fungal infection. Soak a q-tip with distilled vinegar and apply to the affected toenail. You may need to apply it several times in order to completely cover the nail. Make sure to apply the vinegar often and as much as two times a day. Try applying it in the morning and then once at night.

Now most of us should have this in our medicine cabinet - vapor rub. Now, vapor rub contains camphor and methanol which has shown to kill the toenail fungus naturally. Apply the vapor rub on to the nail once a day. It would be preferable to apply it at night, because of the smell caused by the camphor. A word of caution though, vapor rub is known to make the nail black. Fortunately, this will disappear over time.

Bleach is another remedy for toenail fungus. A diluted solution will help cure toenail fungus. It is highly recommended to dilute the bleach, as it could irritate the skin if it is applied undiluted. The recommended strength of bleach to use is one half teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water. This concentration might not be strong enough to cure the infection so you may have to adjust it to cure the toenail infection.

Believe it or not, urine is another natural cure for toenail fungus. It contains a compound called ureic acid, which works in a similar way as vinegar. For this application method I will leave it to you as to how you would like to apply it.

Another popular natural treatment is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is made from a tree that grows in Australia. It is known to have some natural anti-fungal properties. Apply it once a day for a few months and you should see results shortly.

Now remember it may take up to three months before you see an  improvement in your toenail. If however, after that time you do not see an improvement, be sure to try something else. Be patient and persistent and you should be able to cure your toenail fungal infection naturally.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Alternative medicine

Some times after many visits to your family doctor you find that you just can not be cured. Probably now is the time to look at some other alternatives. People have found much success with alternative medicine. Some even say that they have no side effects and claim to be in good health. There are many types of alternative medicine. For example, acupuncture, message therapy, a special diet and shiatsu. Here is an article about some of these forms of alternative medicine.

Types of alternative medicine

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Home remedies for diabetes

Did you know that there may be about six million Americans who have diabetes but are not even aware that they have it? Not to mention the rise of juvenile diabetes these days. It may be our lifestyle or genetics but some home remedies may be able to cure this disease. Here is an article that I wrote about some home remedies for diabetes. Give it a try you might find some success.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some benefits of green tea

The Chinese have been using green tea for many health benefits for centuries now. Green tea comes from the carmellia sinesis plant and is rich in antioxidants which help fight free radicals in the body. Consuming green tea on a regular basis will boost your immune system. Green tea is extremely rich in an antioxidant called catechin polyphenols, which incidentally gives green tea most of its health benefits.

To learn more on the health benefits of green tea read the following article

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home Remedies for the common cold

The cold weather has set in and with that everyone is running to the doctor or local pharmacy to get some medication. How about trying some home remedies to help cure the cold. Not only will it be cheaper but it has no side effects since all the ingredients are natural.

If you like this idea here is my link to an article with all the tips for home remedies for the common cold

My first post

I've always looked to do things that are good for my health and to try to do them in a way that does not cause any side effects. I believe that one should not put anything harmful into their bodies. Why cause all that harm to your system. While growing up my grandmother always raided the pantry when I got the cold. She believed that home remedies were a better cure for any ailment then conventional medicine. It saved money and had no side effects is what she told me. Although I will be the first to admit that sometimes you just have to make that trip to the doctors office.

In this blog I will make available some tips on how to cure certain ailments by just using ingredients from your pantry. I hope you give it a try.